More about Our team
Elawam Ahmed
The director and the founder of MCSC. He was a professional footballer with rich experience in this field. Mr Ahmed is also, a professional coach member of the coaching association in the United Kingdom and hold the UEFA A license in football coaching. He worked as a football manager in the United Kingdom, Manchester in different academies and he had work experience abroad as well, in Tunisia & Qatar. He graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University where he gained a master degree in sports business, management and policy.
Currently, he has a continuous presence in the media, newspapers, televisions and social media, analysing games and presenting his own views about football and management.
Mr Ahmed is very passionate about football management and he is a very confident manager understanding the sports industry very well, business, marketing, laws and rules.
We are very delighted and confident that he will direct the firm in the right direction.
Dr. Walid Mohammed
Business adviser
Walid Mohammed is an Associate Lecturer in Economics at the College of Business, Technology and Engineering at Sheffield Hallam University. Prior to this, he was a lecturer in economics at INTO University Partnerships and an assistant lecturer at the University of Salford, UK. He holds a PhD in Economics, MSc in Accounting and Finance and BSc in Business Studies with Quantitative Business Management from Salford University, UK. He is an interdisciplinary researcher with a focus, among others, on International Macroeconomics and International Finance, Applied Economics, Development Economics and Policy.
Yonghee woo
Marketing manager
Yonghee has extensive experience in sports marketing. He obtained his bachelor degree in sports and leisure studies from the Myongji University Republic of Korea. And a master degree from Manchester Metropolitan University in sports business, management and policy. He has previously worked in the Korean football association(KFA), and he is well informed about the different needs of the current sports market.
Salma Mohamed
A very active and knowledgeable person. She worked across schools, communities and football academies as an administrator. She is multilingual and holds a level 2 certificate in interpreting. she has previously worked as a school teacher. Her community monitoring certificate from THT allowed her to work through communities in a high standard manner. She holds a BSc in computer science, and currently, she continues her study in business administration at the University of Suffolk, UK.
Moyasar Fadel
Media officer
He started his career as a media officer at Almariekh SC in Sudan. Moyasar moved to scouting field, he has a very good record of scouting in Africa. Since he moved to the United Kingdom, he started to work in football agency and now he represent the company in this field. He is a professional person with huge experience and knowledge of market needs and all relevant legal aspects. At the present he studying at Eithad Campus (University campus of football business) football business and finance.